Good morning! The sun is out and it is suppose to be about 50 degrees today, not bad for January!

I was able to send my daughter off to school, hubby to work and my son is home but feeling better. Yay! Now I need to get myself in the shower and run some errands. It will be a good week. 🙂

I get to see this little man next week for this 6 month session. Here he is just 3 months old. They grow so fast!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

I am hoping to get back to normal next week, well our normal at least. Everyone in our house except me has been sick this weekend. Even my husband who never gets sick. I am praying that I have managed to avoid it this round!

Ok, now for something much cuter…check out this adorable little baby girl!!


I am home with my sick daughter again today, booo for both of us! She was suppose to go back to school yesterday but instead woke up with a fever. Darn! Plus her cousins and aunt from Chicago made a last minute trip here to visit and we haven’t even been able to see them. Double boo!

So instead of my fun plans I had for today I will be getting some work done instead. 🙂

Here is a share from another fall mini session I had this year. I can’t wait for spring to get here and have some more outdoor mini sessions!