It’s another snow day here in KC!

Our family ventured out to Target yesterday afternoon just to get a couple things and get out of the house. It is just a few blocks away and there were cars stranded and stuck everywhere! I am hoping the roads are better today. Luckily I have on old 4×4 to get out in. Those of you who get out today be careful!

I am looking forward to seeing this cutie tomorrow morning for his first birthday session! I hope he likes his cake. 🙂

Well we got our snow day!! We have over 9 inches of snow so far outside. The kids and I made some snow ice cream earlier, yum!

Now for a share from a sweet, crazy hair, little 4 month old! I look forward to seeing her again next week for her 8 month session.

Can you tell mom is a K State fan?! 🙂

  • McPheter - February 21, 2013 - 9:44 pm

    she’s the bestReplyCancel